Studio On Fire將制作首部BL新劇《Live in Love 》,改編自作家Yoe Nim的同名小說。
講述了P'Kla 和 Nong Cake 因路過而相遇的愛情故事,事情發(fā)生在這句話之后“你朋友的名字看起來很好吃”。
在每個人都因為新冠病毒而不得不自我隔離的時期,人們利用空閑時間出來在社交媒體上發(fā)布直播,就此讓 Kla 和 Cake 通過朋友的直播彼此認識了。
但誰能想到,彼此剛認識的一開始,竟因為一句玩笑話「你朋友的名字看起來很好吃」,誕生了關(guān)于 Dare to eat cake 話題的情侶標簽....
Kla 被很多人視為一個非常冷漠,不關(guān)心任何事的人,你為什么會同意上線?
5.0 噬血欲情
8.0 末世佳肴
9.0 花中尋兇:死亡與鮮花
7.0 騙騙大小姐
6.0 小蓮和阿寬
8.0 最后的時光
2025 泰國簡介: Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the grandson of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers.